Ling Cod
March 2018 Ogden Point
Experienced leading and coaching development teams with a demonstrated history of delivering on time. Passionate about building highly effective teams, exceptional product through technology and scalable process. Expert in React js, Firebase, PWA, testing suites and continuous integration. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor's Degree focused in Computer Science and Business from University of Victoria. Feel free to contact me at hi@jasonmichael.ca
This project is inspired by my passion for scuba diving and enabling my exploration of new places. In its current state it is built using Firebase Auth, RealtimeDB, hosting, and functions, the app is create react app and material design and the website is a dynamic next.js hosted in AppEngine.
Deep DiveThis project was inspired by my mother in-laws use case to see at a glance who was available to talk to customers. In an effort to get out of my comfort zone this was the first project I've used firestore and ant design. In addition I've also learned a lot about passwordless authentication, Google Compute and automated testing.
See Who's InFor the last four years I've lead and managed talented teams of software developers at Checkfront. I'm excited about building delightful PWAs in react, scalable platforms utilizing cloud functions and app engine, and learning ways to solve problems.